Mission Statement

The Women of Entravision are a collaborative group of passionate females from across Entravison’s global assets united in purpose to foster empowerment, encourage professional development and inspire positive change through mentorship, recognition, inclusive activities and leadership actions.

Work Environment

A safe work environment is our top priority. Not just for women but for all employees

What can leaders do?

•Promote prevention strategies.

•Continue to educate and train.

•Ensure access to workplace reporting mechanisms.


Stay healthy and be healthy! Being of sound body mind increases productivity, lowers turnover, and results in more overall employee engagement

What can leaders do?

•Promote wellness - take advantage of EVC health benefits.

•Create new wellness incentives

Pathways to Leadership

Career-succession programs.

Leadership training

Mentorship - role Models.

What can leaders do?

•Develop a succession plan for identified leaders and promote peer to peer mentorship as wellas role model mentorship.

We Believe in theBest Place to Work

Great Place to Work.

Prominent communication of our EVCWomen initiatives.


What can leaders do?

•Help foster GPTW, promote global communication- Success stories - departmental, published and celebrated.

Spotlight on Women - Community Presence

In any work culture, relationships are necessary for employees to attain high-visibility assignments, promotions, and connections through community involvement

What can leaders do?

Recognize community involvement.

•Be intentional with company appointments.

•Community awareness through promotion.•

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